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“10-9008 900600"
A RECORD UNPARALLELED! More than 375,000 Manufactured and Sold
S020 200050 S50 S550 S000 SSS SS
00 W000.
> 01
The Construction of the Estey Organ HE Century Dictionary, which may safely be presumed to be unbiased intieedehaitions Weaye thatthe oreaniis) the most complicated and. the noblest of musical instruments.
Anyone who has ever heard a real musician at a real organ will readily agree that it is the noblest of all means that mankind has yet devised for pro- ducing harmonious sound
‘And anyone who has ever tried to build a perfect organ, will just Roaraleeeceeithabisiscumace camplicaisdianstrament
‘That is why such consummate skill, such careful thoroughness, such infinite pains and such conscientious faithfulness to detail, is necessary to the production of a good organ—an instrument worthy the name.
That is the secret of the Estey superiority.
That is why a cheap organ can never be satisfactory.
Materials In building the Estey organ the first step is the selection of
the proper materials and at no point in the whole process of manufacturing the Organ is greater care exercised than right here. Being the largest organ builders in the world, buying the largest quantities of organ
we shall begin at this late day to use “seconds' slightest defect.
Twice a year our lumber yard master, who, by the way, has been in charge of this department for 25 years, goes to the largest lumber yards of this country and Canada to select the stock that goes into the Estey.
He selects and inspect#and re-inspects until he is sure—and he knows a good piece of lumber when he sees it—that he has the best procurable.
He keeps in our lumber sheds and driers a constant supply of more than two million feet of the most expensive lumber. In the factory every piece is carefully and critically examined before it is used.
We know it is right—good enough to bear the Estey name and the Estey life-time guarantee.
The Craftsmen But good intentions and good materials alone, will not make a perfect organ. We must have workmen with
brains stored with knowledge of organ building; fingers skilled in their craft; consciences devoted to good work. We are particularly fortunate in this respect. No one has ever gone through the Estey factory without being forcibly impressed the stamp of men at work there; not boys, nor litle girls, nor careless, cheap
© of any kind; but men of ability and skill, who are making their craft
or anything showing the
almost a profession ; many of them the heads of families, with beautiful homes in Brattleboro.
There are many gray haired men at work to-day in the Estey factory who have been working there for fifty years, and in all that time they have never
been hurried or told to “let it go at that,” or pushed beyond the limit of the best and most careful work.
‘They have understood that the only thing asked of them was that they maintain and, if possi- ble, improve the high quality of the Estey,
Naturally in all these years of work the men have been gaining ground. They have become a little more skilful month by month. They have learned the fine art of catching the peculiarities and the ways of the wind
among the reeds, and it is they who make the sweet-toned Estey possible. The Factory. But even the best workmen must have tools and facilities ae ee for their work, or they will fail of the great results. Here, tey factory leads the world. It is the largest organ factory in existence; it has the most complete equipment and better facilities for
turning out high-grade work, than has any other organ factory This is, of course, an advantage to you, for it assures you that no part of ey organ you are going to buy has been neglected or slighted because of of means to produce the best results.
And note particularly that every part of the Estey organ, from the small- est to the greatest, is made in the Estey factory under our personal supervision, so that we know it is right and can guarantee it with a clear consc
In our immense plant—see photographic view on page 2—which repre sents it as it actually is and not as some artist dreamed we would like to have it—we have 200,000 square feet of floor space, and more modern, labor saving machinery, a greater number of skilled workmen, and more of what some fol
Il “old maidish” exactness than you will find in any two or three other organ factories combined.
We have spared no expense in providing our workmen with the best of facilities for cutting down and keeping down the cost of manufacture.
But there we have stopped.
We have not tried to do with a machine that which ought to be done by hand—the part calling for skill of fingers, judgment of mind, the final touch the human element—which no machine can replace.
So, while you have every advantage of every labor-saving machine that it
you have it without sacrificing in the least the high quality that has made the Estey the world’s standard organ.
The loving care, the thoroughness with which the Estey is made, impress the visitor as a strange contrast to the slap-dash, hurrah-boys, shove-her-along, haphazard, happy-go-lucky, rule-o’-thumb methods that are followed in factories building “cheap” organs.
But the difference in methods of work is no greater than the difference in products.
Which kind of organ do you want?
‘The best procurable materials ;
‘The most skilled and conscientious workmen;
‘The largest and best equipped factory in the world;
Sixty years’ experience ;
All backed by a steadfast determination to maintain and increase the Estey reputation.
Do you wonder that the Estey organ is still the world’s favorite?
The third gen- eration of Estey’s is now building the Estey organ.
In his day Jacob Estey, the founder, was proud of the product of his fac tory; proud of his facilities and equip- ment; proud of the reputation the organ had already attained.
But the present factory, the present output, and the Estey reputation to-day, far surpass his fondest dream.
To maintain that prestige and rep- utation is almost a religion with the present generation.
When you buy an Estey organ you canbe absolutely sure that every dollar of your money has gone into the instrument JACOB ESTEY in better quality. Founder of The Estey Organ Company
Height, 3 feet 10%
ches, Length,®feet8 inches. Depth, i foot 8 inches. Average welght (boxed), 280 pounds. Furnished with or without Transposing Keyboard. IN WALNUT FINISH CASE.
Style 14. 156s. con ressons
Two full sets (or rows) of Reeds and Couplers. Five Octaves. Sis
Knee Swell and Grand Organ (Knee)
This organ is voiced for power, and contains one five octave set of 16 ft. reeds and one five octave set of 8 ft. reeds.
An Estey Organ at such a price that the smallest school or other organization need not stagger at the cost.
‘The same quality of material used in this style as in our most expensive models. Has ample bellows.
This Organ may be had with New Transposing Keyboard. Style 14, T. K. 18 Gs. covetondoners
The idea of a transposing keyboard is not new but it is only recently that it has been made practical and furnished at a price to make it of commercial value. It is most valuable for church and school work—where the music may be written too high for the voices. Slide the keyboard one (key) to the left—continue to play in the same key it is written—and yon have lowered the pitch. The possibilities are practically unlimited, as the transpos permits playing in five different keys—two semitones each way.
‘The case is not enlarged.
The mechanism is simple and free from difficulties,
The extra cost is slight considering the enhanced value.
ng keyboard
Grand Organ and Knee Swell to both Styles.
Length, 8 feet S inches
Height, 4 feet.
4 sets (or
Style 6-12. 11 Stops. 16 Gs. rows) of Reeds. Cope—Flesi. Bass. Melodi . 8ft. Diapason olee Bi Dudetuna 6H
‘ox Ju D
Sub- Bass Coupler (own). Forte I.
Vox Humana.
Style 6-32. 11 Stops. 4
ble Coupler (up). ¥e 1L
sets (or 2
16 Gs. of Reeds. == Floral. Bass. ‘Treble. Bf. Diapason Bf. Dulciana 4ft. Vox Judi Treble Ci Porte
Vox Humana.
Depth, 1 foot Sinches. Average weight (boxed), 290 pounds.
Walnut Finish.
Style 6-27. 11 Stops.
16 Gs. of Reeds. Cops—Plintiock: Bass. Treble. 3 Melodia Sit. Diapason BEt. vi 4 ft.
Lote ae
Vox Hum
12 Stops. 5 sets (or
Style 6-35.
20 Gs. rows) of Reeds Cope—rite. Bass. Treble. Melodia... Sit. Diapeson Ste 88) Duleiana | 8 ft. 4 ft. Vox Jubilante sit, otenne ate
upler (down). ‘Wreble Coupler (up). Forte Il
Vox Humana
Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles.
4 sets (or 2 ro
Bit. sit Sit.
Length, 3fect Sinches. Height, 5feet 5inches. Depth, 1 foot Sinches, Average weight (boxed), 340 pounds.
Walnut Finish.
Style 7-12. 11 Stops. 4 sets (or 1 4 18 Gs. of Reeds.
Bass. Treble. Melodia 8ft. Diapason Rit. Dolce. Sit. Dulerana + Sit, Snb-Rass ft Vox Jubilante wate, Bass Coupler down). ‘Treble Coupler (up),
Forte I. Forte I
Vox Humana,
Style 7-32. 11 Stops. 18 Gs. Reeds Cope—Fitago.
4 sets (or 2 row:
Bass. Treble. Melodia . 8% Diapason sit Dolce. 1 Bf Duletara Bit Viola 4 ft. Nox Jubjlante son oats a8 Coupler (down) ‘Preble Coupler (ip): Forte T. Porte IT
Vox Humana,
Style 7-27. 11 Stops.
4 sets (or 2 rows) of
18Gs. Reeds.
Bass. Treble. Melodia 8 ft. Diapason 8 ft Dotce Sil Dudtiana sit Vicletia Hie Rute 4 ft
ass Coupler (down ‘Treble Coupler (ap).
Forte I z Boren,»
Vox Humana,
5 sets (or 21-2 row:
Style 7-35. 12 Stops.
22 Gs. of Reeds.
Cope—Pilander Bass. Treble.
Melodia. . . . . . 8ft. Diapa 3 8 Dolce Bit Dulci Le 8 Violet! aft. Vox Jubilarite 8 Harp APeliéane SE Se I Bass Coupler (down), ‘Treble Coupler (up). Forte L. Forte IL,
Vox Humana.
Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles.
Style 2107. 19 Gs. Cope—Piitting, 10 Stops. 3 sets (or 1 3-5 rows) of Reeds,
Bass. Melodia q Bt i
Dolce hea Bass Coupler (down). Forte 1,
Treble. Diapason . Bit Dukiana Siu Vox Jubilante sft
fe Coupler (up).
‘Vox Humana,
Style 2112. 21 Gs.
Cone—Floating. 11 Stops. 4 sets (or 1 4-5 rows) of Reeds.
Bass. Melodia sft Dolee Bf Sub-Dass wee Bass-Coupler (down). Forte |
Treble. Diapason... . Sit Duleana Batre Vv st
Length, 3 feet 10inches. Height, 6feet Ginches. Depth, 1 foot 8 inches. Average weight (boxed), 360 pounds.
Style 2127. 11 Stops. 4 sets (or 2 rows)
21 Gs. of Reeds. Conr—Floceose
Bass. Melodia ft. Diapason Dolce Sit. Duictana 4ft. Plate.
Forte 1 Forte IT
SGupiée (dows). ‘Preble Coupter Cap e 2 Vor tumapas
In Walnut Finish.
Bourdon 1 ft
8 fe Melodia Sit 8 ft Dolce ‘ 8 ft afc, Violetial 1) 1 I aee
Forte I Bass Coupler
Style 2144, 13 Stops.
27 Gs. of Reeds.
Vox Humana,
sets (or 3 rows)
The above Stylesmay be had with Low Top at stated prices, or with addition of Pipesat? Gs. extra.
Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles.
ek) eri
Length, 3 feet 10 inches,
Height, 6 feet 11 inches.
In Walnut Finish.
Style 338. 13 Stops. 7 sets (or 31-5 30 Gs. rows) of Reeds. CopE—Gainful. Bass. Treble.
Melodia Sf. Diapason . Sit elec Sit. Ducane sie Yox Jubilante Sf Vox Jubi Sit Violetta . ~ 4 ft. Flate ae be! 4 ft. Sub Bass Wt Vox Hu Bass Coupler (down). ‘Treble Coupler (up).
Depth, 1 foot 814 inches.
Style 344.
30 Gs.
Style 312. 24 Gs.
11 Stops. 4 sets (or 145 rows) of Reeds. Bass. a oBasé | 11. t se Geena oan) Forte L. Treble. mingace Duiciana Vor tubliaste! < Treble Goupler (ip)
Forte Vox Humane.
Average weight (boxed), 390 pounds.
13 Stops. 6 eds. C Scale.
Treble. 1Gft. Clarionet 8{t Diapason 8ft Dulciana 4ft Flute. Porte IL
‘Treble Coupler (up).
Vox Humana,
Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles.
(or 8 rows)
Style 812. 25 Gs. Copr—Flaxen 11 Stops. 4 sets (or 14-5 rows) of Reeds.
Bass. Melodia . 8ft Dolce. Sab-Bass 1 | ss Coupler (down). Forte I
Treble. Diapason sit Dulciana . Sit Vox Jubilante Sft ‘Trevle Coupler (Gp) Forte II
Vox Humana.
Style 828. 28 Gs.
Cope. Fleal
a 12 Stops. 5 sets (or 21-5 rows) of Reeds
Bass. Melodia tee) BEE Dolce. 8ft. Violet 4it EBase Suc 2). 10 Et, ‘Coupler Gown). rte I.
Treble. Diapason sit, Duleiana sft
ple Coupler (ap).
Length, 3 feet 10 inches. Height, g feet 11 inches. Depth, 1 foot 8} inches. A:
In Black Walnut. Style 838. 13 Stops 7 sets (or 3 1-5 rows) Style 844, 13 Stops. 6 sets (or 3 rows) of
wre weight (boxed), 300 pounds.
31Gs. of reeds. 31 Gs. Reeds. C Scale.
Cone - Cope—Fledge. Treble. Bass. Treble.
Melodia, . . . . . Sit. Diapason Sit. Bourdon... . .1bft © Dolce. Bit Duleiana Bf Melodia . é Bit Vox Jubiiante °° | $ft. Vox Jubilante Bf Dolce 8 ft Violeta Sob ate ariute att Viole cate ttt s 16 Forte 5 Ba ‘ble Coupler (up). Bass Coupler. reble Coupler (1p). Fort ‘ox Humana, Vox Humana
The above Styles may be had with the addition of Pipes at 2 Gs. extra. Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles. 1
Length, 3 feet 10inches,
Style $ 44, 13 Stops. 6 sets or 8
33 Gs.
Bass. Bourdon Melodia Dolce Violerta
Forte | Bass Coupler
rows) of Reeds.
16 ft Sit Sit fife
Treble. Clarionet . Diapason + Duiciana Flute Vox Humana IL ‘TrebleCoupler
Height, 6 feet 8 inc
rand Orga
Depth, 1 foot 11 inches.
In Black Walnut.
Vox Hum Forte.
Style S 12. 27 G
11 Stops. 4 sets (or 1 4-5
rows) of Reeds.
Bass Sf Sf 161
Diapason set
Didciana Stt
Vox Jubilante | Sit,
‘Treble Coupler (up) Forte Il. Vox Humana
Style S 27. 27 Gs. Cope—Flankers. 11 Stops. 4sets (or 2 rows) of Reeds.
Finte ‘
‘Treble Coupler (up) rate
Vox Humana,
Style S 38. 33 Gs. cope 13 Stops. 7 sets (or 3 1-5
rows) of Reeds
Bass. Melodia sit Dolce Sit. Vox Jubilante Sit Violétta Aft Sub-Bass LiGft Bass Coupier (down), Forte. Treble. Bit Sit Sit aft
Treble Vox Hun
‘oupler (up).
Average weight (boxed), 435 pounds
Style $47, 1 Stops. 8 sets (ord Style § 98, 18 Stops. 11 sets (or 5 42 Gs. and 1-brows)of Reeds. 47 Gs. and 1-5 rows)of Reeds. cone=Hlatter Cope—Flaunting Bias ‘Treble. Bee Treble, Metoata ape IDiptson’ he thy Batsaox sodbmoieaon caose, Bore ae Beken fe Molod Con peers af mee tek ae Dispose 8ft. Viola Dolce Vox Jubilante 8 ft. 4 ft. Flute 4ft. Harp Hoilienne Bourdon 16 ft. 4 ft. Vox Jubila eee am Gest ase Counter ‘Treble Coupler (wp) bh Vor fu
Flute Forte. Preble Coupler(up).
and Knee Swell to all Styles.
Length, 2 feet {0 inches.
Style 1107. 20 Gs. Facing (Oak)
CODE 4 Habricate (Walnut Finis Bass. Melodia . Sit. Dolce Sit Bess Coupler (down). Forte 1 rr
Style 1127.
10 Stops rows) of Reeds.
11 Stops.
Height, 4 feet.
Depth, 1 foot § inches,
In Oak or Walnut Finish.
3 sets (or 13-5
Style 1112.
22 Gs. cope $ Eag (Oak). ) Cone} Pactious (Walnut Finish) Treble. Bass. Diapason gf Melodia set Vox Jubjlante sh b ww Ft
‘Preble Coupler ( Porte II.
« Humana,
4 sets (or 2 rows)
oupler (down).
11 Stops.
Average weight (boxed), 310 pounds,
1 sets (or 1 4.5
rows) of Reeds
Diapason Sit Dusciana Dosre Vox Jubilante sit
‘Treb: Forte
Coupler (ap): vi
Vox Humana.
Style 1128.
i 25 Gs.
22 Gs. of Reeds. cone § Paithiat (si Conr—Pacility (Walnut Finish). pi actony biesinixt ieinish)
Bass. mie Treble. hat : Melodia. . ft. Diapason sft ete BS Buse Beene os a Gotan: inf in Violeta. Ip Vox Eh Bass Coupler (di ).
Forte I. Porte IL. Porte i Style 1132, 11 Stops. 4sets (or 2 rows) Style ne ne toes
22 Gs. of Reeds. 28)Gs-
Cope—Florist (Walnut Finish). Gonb Blorianees Gralnut Finieh). . we Bass. Treble. Bourdon 1G ft.
Meio fia Blas ie ne te pe A Bee te ee ae ee eer Sh (Re. if Bass Coupler (down). ‘Trebie Coupler (up), Piste Pove'tt Forex
Vox Humana
12 Stops. rows) of Reeds.
Bass Coupler. Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles.
5B sets (or 21-5
Treble. Diapason Sit. Dutciana Sit Mute aft
‘Treble Coupler (ap). Vox Humana, Forte IT
6 sets (or 3 rows)
cr Treble,
Clarionet = 16
Diapason Sit.
Dulciana Sit
Vox Humana.
Forte IL
‘Treble Coupler (up.)
Length, 3 feet 10 inches. Height, 4 feet 6 inches.
Depth, 1 foot 11 inches.
In Black Walnut.
13 Stops. 4
1-5 rows) of Reeds
sets (or
Style R 38.
33 Gs.
Base. Treble. Melodia Sit Sit Dolce Stt Bite Vox Judiiante sit Sit Violette sft itt
Wit. Vox Humana. ‘Preble Coupler (up). 5 Stops. sets 1 Style R 47. 15 : Lops mos ets (c nanan 41-5 rows) of Reeds.
Cone Logister. ;
Bass. Treble. Melodia a sit. Diapason A Dolce Sit. Dulciana Viola s 4f€ Pinte Viole Doies if, Vox Jubjlarte Harp Molenne 2ft. Bourdon. tb Bass weft.
Bass Coupler, ‘Preble Coupler (ap) ; Vox Humana,
Style R 44.
33 Gs.
Bass. Bourdon Melodia, Dolee Violetia Forte I.
Bass Coupler
Style R 97.
41 Gs.
CoE Lodgement
Bass. Melodia . Doice Viola Viola Dolce Harp @olienne | Sub-Ba
Melodia Porte Bass Couple:
‘The above may be had with Transpositeur:
Cor Cope.
Cope. R44. Lom
R 38. Loitering, at 38 Gs.
Grand Organ and Knee
Lonesome, at 46 Gs.
die, at 38 €
to all Style:
16 ft
ge weight (boxed), 350 pounds.
13 Stops. 3 rows) of Reeds.
6 sets
Treble. . Clarionet
Vox Himiana.
Porte IL
‘Treble Coupler (ap). 16 Stops. 9 sets (or 41-5 rows) of Reeds.
Vox Jubilante
lute Forte. ‘Preble Coupler (ap),
R97. Cope—Lordship, at 46 Gs.
Style H 38. 36 Gs.
Cope tenes ua 13 Stops. 7% sets (or
31-5 rows) of Reeds.
Diapason st
Duleiana sit
Vox Jubilante Sit
Violetta ae
Sub-Bass | 16 ft DODO OCHO
Bass Coupler @own), OOH
Forte. = Treble.
Diapason Sit
Dudeiana Sie
Vox Jubilante Bit
Plate ai
Vox Humana, ‘Preble Coupler (up).
Style H 44.
36 Gs. opp } Father (Walnut) CODE 7 Patitless (Oak)
13 Stops. 6 sets (or 3 rows) of Reeds.
C Scale.
Bourdon 1G ft Ste Sit ate
Forte 1
Bass Coupler.
Treble. Clarionet ft Diapason Sit. Dutctana Bit.
4 ft,
Forte TI. ‘Treble Coupler (up).
Length, 4feet. Height, 4 feet 414 inches. Depth, 2 feet Zinches. Average weight (boxed), 410 pounds,
In Walnut or Oak Case.
Style H 40. 16 Stops. $ sets (or 3 4-5 Style H97. 16 Stops. 9 sets (or 41-5
42Gs. rows) of Reeds. C Seale. 44 Gs. rows) of Reeds. conn (Fatigue Oval com |atieus atm Beas Treble. = Bass. Bea, Treble. Bourdon 16 ft. Bourdon 16 ft aa paeon: ft. iapason Dao ae were aaa f Duterana Losi Dalene Rideia BIL Dale He a CAR WSaniiane ate Rrra TAP; aan C Asal Harp aoliense |. aft Choral ie are ae aegtaa era fee weer oaal fone pests i, Rorte I Forte Ont recrasien Ton tas Bass Coupler. ‘Preble Coupler (ap) 18 Stops. 11 sets (or 5 1-5 Style H 47. 15 Stops. 8 sets (or 419 Style. H98. 18 Stop: ( 49 Gs. rows) of Reeds. 46 Gs. rows) of Reeds. ene. Cope—Faubourg (Walnut). cope { Fawning (Oak). Bass. ‘Treble. Bass. Treble. Melodia . Br papeon ox Teaueces < IGF Bourdon Mejoe Be amen Brea ae SAare Na aon eer ee Pa naan Dare Be aoe aa aac eat SCG aelionte Ree ‘ ie Rae ee ee gfe Yor Jab Pe as see te ees Eivhnae 10ft esha lead oie nacho eee oer Preble Coupler (a) Ea ae ones re Vox Huma Forte I. Forte IL noe Roe etter eee Coupler (up)
Grand Organ and Knee Swell to all Styles.
Style O
Philharmonic Scale. Case.
Length, 4 feet Winches Height, 4 feet. Depth,2 feet inch:
weigit (boxed), 585 pounds.
In Oak or Walnut Case.
Style O97. 16 Stops. 9 sets (or 41-5 Style 0 94, 14 Stops. 12 sets (or 4 83 Gs. rows) of Reeds. F Scale. 90 Gs. rows) of Reeds. F Scale.
sope | Honeycomb (\ COPE} Honesty (Oa
Cope § Diviner (Walnut).
1 Divulsion (Oak),
. $f Diapason eats Bass. Treble.
{Sit Duleiuna Sit Goro Corna roe iit Ite Seats Fumpet ‘Trumpet St 1it Vox Jubiiante ste Diapason |.) 1. ate. aft Choral Bite Blute. aft We Vox Husiaua Vox Juptiante | | 2 att
Forte IL Treble C
Vox Humana. ‘Treble Coupler (up).
Always furnished with supplemental Blow Lever. Grand Organ and Knee Swell to both Styles
Length, 4 feet inches, Height,4 foot. Depth, 2 fect
reight (boxed), 415 pounds,
The Artists’ Organ.
Style Z 56. 16 Stops. 13 sets (or 7 1-5 rows) 440 Reeds. Cone | Zope 80 Gs. Bass. Treble.
ste son. Sy Bee Oboe t Oboe sit Vox Jubilante st Vox Jubilante sit Flute 4c. Flute ‘tt rep eeerean ee ts ate ae Dre
ais. 3 Ranks) wor fe
ite Treble Coupler (up).
(up) : Vox Hut La.
he above organ in design and od taste and refinement
specification, or contents, is the very embodiment of
It is, par excellence, the Artis\ judged
ts’ organ and most satisfying to every demand, whether
om the musical or architectural standpoint
It is confidently placed before a large constituenc rather than overwrought decoration
who are seeking the highest m
nd Organ and Knee Swell.
Style V Case.
Philharmonic Series.
Furnished either with or without the Pipe Top In Oak or Walnut.
Always specify whether Oak or Walnut Case is wanted.
Style V 94. - ee ata Gabon OW
2 Sets (or 53-51 aeRecde { Handsaw (Os 115 Gs. 12 Sets (or 5 3-5 ) of Reeds With Fipe Top.
Cone $ Gunfire (Walnet)
“OPE Trandsome (Oak). F Scale. Fourteen Stops. 342 Reeds.
BASS. TREBLE, Coro. Corne . 16 fe Diapason ison thee - Se eat Piate at Teampet | ‘Trumpet 8 ft Harp Holienne Vox Jubilante | : 8 it Sub-Bass MECHANICAL.
Hass Coupler. ‘Treble Coupler (up). Vos Humana, Hand Side Blower. Grand Organ, Knee Swell, Organist’s Bench.
A New Action. Without Pipe Top.
Style V 67. en aoeanern fyeleuo
Lt Sets (or 6 3-5 rows) of Reeds IanspiES (Oa)
125 Gs. With Pipe Top. cope } Gunpowder (Walnat). COPE) Happiness (Oa F Scale. Sixteen Stops. 403 Reeds. BASS. TREBLE. 16 fe 5 6 ft Sit Diapas 8 ft sft Beamp 8 fe Vox Jubilante 8 ft Vox Jubilante 8 ft Phute E 4 Finté aie Harp Holienne 2ft. Wald Pinte 2 it Sub-Bass E 16 it MECHANICAL. Bass Coupler. Treble Coupler (up). Vox Humana, Hand Side Blower. Grand Organ, Knee Swell. Organist’s Bench
Into these organs are introduced the special scale Philharmonic Reeds, ‘These reeds are not made like the ordinary organ recds, but have wide tongues or vibrators which are
mounted wpon extra wide dnd heavy brass plates; the case also is much larger than the regular organs, to receive the special size reed board and bellows.
The general effect of this aggregation of heavy-tone reeds is phenomenal, and places these organs practically out of competition
Grand Or
an and Knee Swell to both Styl
Style V
adds 265 pounds,
In Oak or Walnut Case.
Style T 60. Phiikenmonie
With Pipe Top, 145 Gs.
Firrern Stors. Ten Rows or Reeps. |
Without Pipe Top. With Pipe Top. } Habiliment (Walnut). | Habitation (Wa } Habitable (Oak), | Habited (ak),
Cope Cope
Five Octaves compass, CC to C', 61 notes.
Two and one-half Octaves compass, CCC to F, 30 notes.
Great Manual. Swell Manual. Clarionet . 16 ft., 61 notes. Bourdon 16 ft., 37 notes. Diapason a 8 ft., G1 notes. Salicional 8 ft., 61 notes. Dulciana 8 ft., 61 notes. Flute 4 ft., 61 notes. Trumpet : : 3 ft., 61 notes. Harp olienne (two ranks), 2 ft., 24 notes.
Pedal Organ.
6 ft., 30 notes Stopped Diapason . . 16 ft., 30 notes. Total, 511 Reeds.
Open Diapason
Couplers. Swell to Great. Swell to Pedals. Octave Coupler (Great) Great to Pedals. Accessories. Vox Humana Wind Indicator. Organist’s Bench. Hand Side Blower.
Pedal Movements. Full Organ Balanced Swell
taken in thei sts which these instruments undergo before shipment, enable us to furnish organs which distinguish themselves from others of similar size and capacity by their freedom from the necessity of repeated re-adjustment, so injurious to the organ.
‘The splendid arrangement of the actions in our two manual or
construction, together with the quality of mater employed and the rigid t
The above style, T 60, can be had without the Pedal Organ, viz. Style TT 60 (Sub-Bass being substituted), at 110 Gs. (with Pipe Top 135 Gs.).
Style T Case.
Style G 61.
| Haleyon (with Pipe Top).
COPE | Horseshoe (with Low.
Sixrren Srors. Errven Rows or Reeps.
Five Octaves, CC to C', 61 notes.
Two and one-half Octaves, CCC to F, 30 notes.
Great Manual.
Clarionet 16 ft., 61 notes Diapason 8 ft., 61 notes. Dulciana . 8 ft, 61 notes.
‘Trumpet 8 ft., 61 notes.
Swell Manual.
Bourdon 16 ft., 37 notes. Oboe 8 ft., 61 notes Salicional 8 ft., GL notes Flute 4 ft., 61 notes Harp Miolienne (two ranks) 2 ft., 24 notes
Pedal Organ.
Open Diapason 16 ft., 30 notes,
Stopped Diapason 16 ft., 30 notes.
Total, 572 Reeds.
Swell to Great. Octave Coupler (Great).
Great to Pedals Swell to Pedals.
Vox Humana. Wind Indicator.
Organist’s Bench
Hand Side Blower.
Pedal Movements.
Full Organ.
The stops and reeds in our Two Manual models a1
Balanced Swell.
ngedon the principle governing
the arrangement of the stops and pipes in a Pipe Organ.
‘The most satisfactory Reed Organ for church use on the market, possessing a scope
ample for any service.
which alloy
and a
places this organ in a clas
by itself.
he rich, mellow, yet sonorous tone, the individuality characterizing its va’ most comprehensive variety of tone effects suitable for both chor work, the instantaneous response to the touch,
lous stops, and solo
the ready action of all the mechanical devi
ssories contained in the instrument, combined with its appropriate structural beauty,
Style G 61.
Yinches. Height, 9 feet Ginches. Average weight (box In Oak Only.
TTENTION is invited to the most modern Pipe Organs
‘rom the
manufactured by us, ranging in scope
all the way
smallest organs for salons to the large Cathedral Organs. Many amples of the highest development of the art are to be found in all the
principal cities of the United Stat
Attention is also specially invited to the organs for residences, operated by perforated music rolls, known as Automatic Organs. These are coming largely into use, and, while they have heretofore been avail- able only for people who could afford to spend a large amount of money,
sed to anno
we are pl ce that we are now in position to furnish an Automatic Pipe Organ from £400, containing an especially fine selection of registers, which enables the performer to render all the finer orches- tral selections, giving the proper instrumentation and variety to each.
Samples of these models may be seen in our London warchouse.
It is difficult to describe the marvelous results obtained in these
nents. Nothing can compare with the quickness of speech and
ble to render music never before s
repetition, which makes it poss 1¢cess- fully attempted by an automatic instrument and rarely, if ever, by the
human hand.
The automatic action used in these instruments is constructed under
patents owned by this Company and the material and construction are
such that frequent regulation is avoided. The parts which are liable to
be affected by atmospheric changes are made entirely of metal, thus
avoiding annoyance, which is always present with automatic instruments
where wood is employed. We not only make Automatic Organs of small and medium capacity, ‘but we are prepared to make even the largest instruments to be operated
on this plan.
Pull particulars and specifications will be gladly furnished upon
Open Di 8 ft. . . « 61 pipes, Viol vo 8 ft: : = 61 pipes. Concert Flute . 8 ft. Dulciana . i" a uSitt: 8 ft. 4 ft. 5 DG tan ee meno api pes, Tremolo. Balanced Swell Automatic Action. Electric Motor.
Organist’s Bench.
cale A to C. Height, 4 feet. inches. Depth, 2 feet.
Style X. 718 ota 66 Gs. Length
Style Y 71-2 octaves. Seale A to C. Height, 4 feet ches. Length, 5 feet 3 inches. Depth, 2 feet 21-2 inches.
Style Zi 71-3 octay Seale A to C. Height, 4 feet ae Ginches. Length, 5 feet 31-2inches. Depth, 2
feet 2 inches.
Estey Pianos.
Since the name ESTEY was first put onto an organ more than sixty years ago it has been a guar- anty for quality. When it was decided to manufacture an Estey Piano the same high-grade quality was carried out.